Thursday, March 24, 2011

Our Struggles and Our Triumphs

The Denver Post has asked parents and providers to share their stories and their perspectives on the less-than-easy task it has been to get insurance companies to provide the necessary support and funding for autism services. This is our response...

Our struggles will eventually become our triumphs! 

A week doesn't go by where we are approached by a family who is struggling with their insurance company to achieve the appropriate funding for their child with autism. It's heart breaking to listen to a parent's quivering voice as they shed tears feeling lost and stuck. 

Less than a year ago, this community was celebrating the Capitol's victory of the passing of a bill that required insurance companies to provide the support and funding we've all fought so hard to get. It's never been an easy task to get funding for individuals with autism and related disabilities. Fighting the good fight has become part of our DNA as a community, but now we find ourselves amidst a battle. This battle, this fight, is different-one in which many families are losing at the expense of their child's health and development. We want families to know we haven't given up, we won't give up, don't lose hope, don't lose the fight! 

Insurance companies should be ashamed of themselves. They are not only ignoring the law, finding loophole after loophole, but they are neglecting their social responsibility. Not if, but when insurance companies are finally forced to give in and provide the appropriate and necessary support and funding hundreds of Colorado families need, we are committed to fighting the good fight!

Garden | Autism Services of Colorado was founded to support, empower and advocate on behalf of Colorado families affected by autism and related disabilities. It is because of this HIMAT hazard that we have decided to provide 50% of our services at no charge to families; families who are either on a Medicaid waiting list or denied by their insurance companies. We are proud to be a part of this community, it's stronger than ever and we have faith that our families will prevail!

Thank you for listening!