Thursday, October 28, 2010

Social Network Shutdown

Autism Awareness or Another Social Fad?

On November first we are asked to shut down our social networks, to refrain from updating our Facebook statuses or tweet for 24 hours to show support for autism. As professionals, parents, teachers, and individuals with ASD, we really need to ask ourselves…

“Is this really going to bring the autism community together, make us stronger, bring on more support, awareness and acceptance OR is this just another social fad?”

As founder of Garden | Autism Services of Colorado and an early childhood mental health specialist for children with autism, I feel compelled to speak out against this worldwide social network shut down campaign. Garden’s mission is to support, empower, and advocate on behalf of all families affected by autism as well as the professionals that support those families.

Many social medians such as Twitter and Facebook bring individuals with autism and Asperger’s together in ways that they would not otherwise be able to connect and share their combined experiences. To take that away, even for a day, is a disgrace. I propose a campaign, every hour for 24 hours we tweet and status update about autism. For 24 hours on November first, autism awareness will be raised, not ignored. Together let’s fight the good fight. Speak up for those who are unable to speak for themselves. Do not fall for yet another social fad. Stand up for what’s right, not what’s hot.

For more information on the Worldwide Social Network Shutdown visit

As always, your feedback and opinions are welcome. Together we can make a difference in the lives of those we love most.

Until next time, BLOSSOM!

Lauren Thome, M.A.